Sunday, November 16, 2014

You ARE what you eat

     I went to church today.  I watched every person as they walked by me.  The church was full of people in need of healing.  I could feel it.  There were so many with weight issues, limps, canes, walkers and weariness.  At the end of mass there was talk of a big breakfast downstairs.  Sausage, pancakes and everything that makes your mouth water. Oh no!  Doughnuts after church would be put on hold until after the holidays.  Please forgive me if you don't agree but let's connect the dots!  Unhealthy food leads to unhealthy people!!!
    I went to Planet Fitness yesterday and the day before.  Every person I talked to had a health issue.  It was extremely perplexing that a fitness center would give away candy at the counter, and have a pizza day and bagel day!  If you are reading this blog please realize, you ARE what you eat.  If you eat bad carbohydrates and bad fat every day (sausage, doughnuts, pizza, cake, beer, fast food, etc.) you will have stomach fat unless you are a marathon runner. If you don't eat healthy you will not be healthy.  You will feel like the food you eat because you are the food you eat.  Everything you put into your mouth is processed and used by your miracle body to make you.  Yes, your body is a miracle.  Every cell in your body is working to keep you healthy with every beat of your heart.
     I learned something else from church today.  We were all given the gift of love.  We shouldn't bury it in fear of losing it.  We are all on this Earth to learn and to love one another.  My prayer for you is to eat healthy.  Eat low fat meat and whole grains, greens and fruits, good fats such as almonds and avocados.  Cut out the diet drinks and energy drinks and take your vitamins.  Diet and energy drinks will only cause your body to crave those bad sugars.  Drink water!  Drink lots of water!  your body should be 70% water.  Give it what it needs. Take care of your body my friend so you can spread your energy and love to those who need it.
     If you need help eating healthy you can send me a message.  Myfitnesspal is a great app for keeping track and learning about what you put into that beautiful body.  Now would be a great time to eat that apple your body has been craving instead of that doughnut! :)

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